Ayurveda – Holistic Approach To Health Care

Ayurveda is the most popular holistic form of medicine. It originated in India and is now rapidly spreading around the world. Ayurveda combines Sanskrit words: ayus, meaning ‘life,’ and Veda, meaning ‘knowledge.’ Hence, Ayurveda means...

Holistic Health Approach to Better Living

Many different conditions can be diagnosed at the hospital, but the treatments involve invasive procedures, a lot of medication, or a vague approach with no predictable success rate. The use of alternative medicine for conditions ranging from hormone imbalance to...

Ayurveda for Weightloss

Ayuveda for Weight Loss Choose Ayurvedic Treatment for Weight Loss            Ayurveda is the most ancient way of treatment for several diseases. This treatment is also called the science of life. It has been used for centuries to help heal the body of various...